It’s simply awesome and contains all instructions for most big game animals, a knife, a pen, scoring sheets, and comes in a wonderful little case, along with all measurement tools, etc. All trophy entries into the Boone and Crockett Club’s Awards Programs are subject to verification. Below are Boone and Crockett scoring sheets for you to print off if you would like to try it yourself. Official scoring must take place anytime following a 60-day mandatory drying period. caribou score sheet. Big Game scoring by Boone and Crocket. $40 Entry Fee. pronghorn score sheet. Find out what species can be hunted in all 50 states and look at corresponding unit maps to find out where they can be hunted in a particular state. NEW for 2021: Barnett’s HyperTac Pro 430 Crossbow. Use this official score sheet from the 2010 Deer Hunters’ Almanac. Pinterest. Elk Typical American Elk Non-Typical American Elk Roosevelt's Elk Tule Elk Goat Rocky Mountain Goat Jaguar Jaguar Moose Alaska-Yukon Moose Canada Moose Wyoming Moose Muskox Muskox Sheep Bighorn Sheep Desert Sheep Dall's Sheep Stone's Sheep Walrus Atlantic Walrus Pacific Walrus Archery Trade Association Pulls the Plug on ATA 2021. To from the list of Trophy Types below. Since that time, its official scoring system has become the internationally recognized system for ranking North American big game and is the one used in Arizona Wildlife Trophies for listing all trophies except javelina and wild turkey. B&C’s website ( provides a printable score sheet, though it looks like a 1040 income tax form. For those animals qualifying for the Montana Big Game Records Book, and not entered in Boone & Crockett or Pope & Young, mail a copy of the completed score sheet and affidavit to: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Attn: Records Book, PO Box 200701, Helena, MT, 59620. White Deer, Mule Deer, Moose, Elk, Bear, Pronghorn, Caribou, Cougar, Jaguar, Mountain Goat. Boone and Crockett Score Sheets- Click for each scoring table. The minimum score for entering a Shiras moose in the Boone and Crockett Club is 140” you can see their scoring system here. No scores are official Boone and Crockett scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Boone and Crockett Club. A score chart is not authenticated until signed and dated by a certified Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurer. It has to do with where the third circumference can be taken. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR BOONE AND CROCKETT TROPHIES Current original score chart, signed and dated by the Official Measurer. Wish I cold tell you what it is, but someone who's better informed than me will know. Dec 7, 2015 - Deer Scoring Sheet | ... Whitetail Score Sheet Boone & Crockett Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet. 250 Station Drive Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 542-1888 Records of North American Big Game BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUBBOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB® OFFICIAL SCORING SYSTEM FOR NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME TROPHIES The Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young clubs both require a 60-day drying period before a trophy can be officially scored, but you can still make the measurements yourself to decide if your elk has a chance at making the book. Boone and Crockett requires a minimum score of 360 for its awards program and 375 for the all-time record book. To get the length of the main beam, it’s helpful to use a steel cable (like an old bike brake cable) in … A score chart is not authenticated until signed and dated by a certified Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurer. Pope and Young Club Convenes Special Panel for Potential Velvet World Record Non-Typical Mule Deer. The P&Y Records Program archives provide great insight into the past and present management, health, and trends of North America's wildlife populations. How to score big game animals. Here is some background on the Boone and Crockett record book, instructions on how to measure and score a buck, and information on what it takes for a buck to become a Booner. The Boone and Crockett Club is pleased to announce our official score charts are now available as on-line scoring calculators! The Boone and Crockett club publishes one official record book that all hunters can use to register and document their buck’s score. This way, all the facts about the deer — its size, who shot it and where — can be documented forever. The antlers were officially scored as American typical elk with a final score of 338 0/8. Explore. Boone and Crockett Scoring Sheet: Download. Program Scoring Criteria Species eligible for scoring and entry include legally harvested white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, antelope and black bear. Moose Antlers scoring for Boone and Crockett scoring, the minimum Alaska-Yukon record book score is 210, the all-time record is 224. Boone and Crockett Club© Official Measurer I.D. Boone and Crockett scoring is easy if you follow the instructions. Together with the Boone & Crockett Club, the Pope and Young Club maintains the universally accepted scoring system and sets the standards for measuring and scoring big game. Scoring. Barnett’s New Hyper Whitetail 410 Crossbow. From now on easily cope with it from home or at the business office right from your mobile or PC. Boone & Crockett Scoring Sheet This scoring sheet was provided by the 2010 Deer Hunters’ Almanac, from the publishers of Deer & Deer Hunting magazine. Club. Henry Kelsey, with its own constitution and board of directors, is an ancillary body of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation. teeth Bull moose: A bull whose antler spread is at least 50 inches or has at least four four teeth on one side. The entry fee, which is nonrefundable, is payable in cash, personal check, money order, credit card, etc., It is waived for a) All specimens are measured using the Boone & Crocket system of measuring big game animals. Today. Boone and Crockett requires a minimum score of 360 for its awards program and 375 for the all-time record book. Whitetail Score Sheet Boone & Crockett Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet. Ravin R18 Crossbow the First Ever Takedown-Style Crossbow. rocky mountain goat. Measuring a bucks score with the B&C (Boone and Crocket) scoring method is one of the most utilized ways of determining a whitetail deer’s score. When that rack dries out, you’ll want to get an official Boone & Crockett score. The Official Scoring System In 1950 the Boone & Crockett Club devised a system of rating trophies according to overall quality. Later, after Winters' death, the antlers were scored and recorded as the new World's Record typical American elk. No. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Antelope is one of the animals that they don't. Pen and Paper (or a print out of the Boone and Crockett score sheet) Start by measuring the length of each tine on one side of the rack – if your bull is a 6X6, there will be 5 tines to measure (G1 thru G5). Articles on how to hunt turkeys, deer, upland game, and predators abound. Boone and Crockett and P n Y use almost identical scoring. The Game Commission bases its Big Game Scoring Program after, and uses the measuring system of, the well known Boone & Crockett Club. Boone & Crockett New Mexico Records. Trophy moose typically have antler spreads from 55 to 70 inches or more. The first mass measurement is always taken at the base of the horn where it meets the head, which is called the "D1" measurement on the Boone and Crockett (B&C) score sheet. Official score charts can be obtained from official measurers or the Club's on-line store for a nominal price. Get form. Boone & Crocket, Pope & Young etc., will be eligible for "Book Only" status unless verified by a MBGTA member before December 31st in the year it was harvested. It’s a relatively simple technique that doesn’t require a lot of time or effort to complete. The moose world record was 261 5/8 Typical Elk. About 8:30 a.m. we spotted the bull, and I dropped him with one shot from my newly designed rifle. All trophy entries into the Boone and Crockett Club’s Awards Programs are subject to verification. Better yet, their website lets you type in the measurements as you go, then does the computations and spits out a score. To accurately calculate the length of each tine, measure along the outside of the tine from the tip to the place where the tine intersects the nearest edge of the main beam (not the center of the main beam … The Boone and Crockett Club was founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and a group of his close friends. Boone & Crockett Field Scoring Kit Includes everything to score your trophy like a pro. MSRP is around $73. Big game records keeping in Saskatchewan began in 1953 working in cooperation with the Boone and Crockett Club and using their system of scoring antlers, horns and skulls. A moose tag is a once in a lifetime tag in a lot of the lower 48 states so any legal bull should be considered a trophy! BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUBBOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB® OFFICIAL SCORING SYSTEM FOR NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME TROPHIES Submit completed score chart and check list items along with payment information to: BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB 250 STATION DRIVE, MISSOULA, MT 59801 TROPHY ENTRY CHECK LIST Original score chart signed and dated by the Official … Completing Boone And Crockett Score Sheet does not have to be confusing anymore. Boone and Crockett Scoring Sheets. Find an Official Cy Curtis Scorer. Please note that the Boone and Crockett Club score charts are protected by copyright laws. You will need a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape for measuring. non-typical american elk score sheet. bear score sheet. The bull's final score and status as the new World’s Record non-typical American elk were verified by a Boone & Crockett Special Judges Pane l that convened at my home on January 2, 2009. No scores are official Boone and Crockett scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Boone and Crockett Club. Boone and Crockett Pronghorn minimum entry score 80; Boone and Crockett Roosevelts Elk minimum entry score 275; Boone and Crockett Whitetail minimum entry score 160 For complete list of scoresheet forms and details visit the Boone And Crockett Official … BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUBBOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB® OFFICIAL SCORING SYSTEM FOR NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME TROPHIES Submit completed score chart and check list items along with payment information to: BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB 250 STATION DRIVE, MISSOULA, MT 59801 hOME OffICE TROPHY ENTRY CHECK LIST PRONGHORN Original score chart signed … b) Specimens scored by other qualified scorers, e.g. Points on Left Antler B. Tip to Tip Spread C. Greatest … Score your turkey, deer, elk, or other animal with interactive trophy calculators. The minimum score for a typical elk to be considered for the All-Time Awards Book is 375. To be counted a point, the projection must be at least one inch long, with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length. Typical Mule Deer Boone and Crockett Scoring. Non-Typical Elk. Points on Right Antler No. The Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young clubs both require a 60-day drying period before a trophy can be officially scored, but you can still make the measurements yourself to decide if your elk has a chance at making the book. Number Mail To: Boone and Crockett Club n 250 Station Drive, Missoula, MT 59801 n (406) 542-1888 n No part of this scoring system may be altered in any way. We score lots of antlers and racks to check for trophy sets so our customers can make more money off of the antlers they have work so hard to get. Entries must include a completed score sheet for an officially scored animal.) The bull (in the gallery below) was harvested during the 2015-2016 season in GMU 15 . Based on this example, there will be a measurement taken at 0 (base) or D1, at 9” or D2, at 18” or D3, and at 27” or D4. typical american elk score sheet. All points measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated in Figure A. Beam tip is counted as a point, but not measured as a point. Growing up in eastern Arizona's White Mountains, Alan C. Ellsworth has seen some great elk antlers. Below you will find the score sheets for each species eligible for Cy Curtis recognition. The score charts reproduced in this section are for personal use only and not acceptable for entry in the Club's Awards Program. Our intention is to provide you with an easy method to "green" score your animal. permission has been granted to eric and kerry stacy from the boone and crockett club … BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUBBOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB® OFFICIAL SCORING SYSTEM FOR NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME TROPHIES Submit completed score chart and check list items along with payment information to: BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB 250 STATION DRIVE, MISSOULA, MT 59801 hOME OffICE TROPHY ENTRY CHECK LIST Original score chart signed and dated by … Club. Well, we can help you come close to a score—unofficially of course. For an official score, you’ll need to have the rack measured by a certified Boone and Crockett (B&C) scorer. B&C’s website ( provides a printable score sheet, though it looks like a 1040 income tax form. BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB® OFFICIAL SCORING SYSTEM FOR NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME TROPHIES ABNORMAL POINTS Right Antler Left Antler SEE OTHER SIDE FOR SCORING INSTRUCTIONS BELOW DATA (A, B, & C) DO NOT CALCULATE IN THE FINAL SCORE BUT ARE REQUIRED A. Access the most extensive library of … cougar/jaguar score sheet. Click here to download this scoring sheet. The most commonly used scoring system for giving recognition to exceptional North American big-game animals is the Boone and Crockett (B&C) system. Get the Almanac at, or click here if you’re online now. Experience a faster way to fill out and sign forms on the web. Each score chart includes measuring instructions. B&C score charts are also available in French translation. Click here to go the French score chart download page. Please note that the Boone and Crockett Club score charts are protected by copyright laws.