Inside of the media query (which will trigger on iPhones and similar hand-held devices) we will set up the image swap. I add the JavaScript I mentioned above, then close IE immediately and discontinue any tweaking for it and begin building for real browsers. To center the image with CSS, we move its top-left corner to the center of the viewport. It works with the following values: light: Indicates that the user has notified the system that they prefer a page that has a light theme (dark text on light background). Instead of having one image that is scaled up or down based on the viewport width, multiple images can be designed to more nicely fill the browser viewport. The value of the style attribute must match the syntax of the contents of a CSS declaration block. It works for background color though? Below are some examples. Simple media query. In this example the montserrat-regular.woff2 font file will neither be preloaded nor downloaded if the user prefers reduced data, in this case the " system font stack " will serve as the fallback font: Type: String. These breakpoints are mostly based on minimum viewport widths and allow us to scale up elements as the viewport changes. Inserting Well-Formatted Elements¶. We can use the string such as left, right, or center, etc. I want the image in my site to completely change when the browser is resized. fancyBox. gatsby-image supports showing different images at different breakpoints, which is known as art direction. Define each media query and the associated styles in separate CSS files. A common solution is to use the max-width: 100%; and height: auto; so that large images do … Feature queries will look very familiar if you have ever used a media query to create a responsive layout. Navigation arrows and pagination dots. The plyr__video-embed classname will make the embed responsive. How to change image in mobile view for img --> src ? The .attr() method is used to get the attribute value for only the first element in the matched set. We also need to tell it what the final rendered width of the image will be. Features: Auto-rotation with a countdown bar. Also my codepen name is: Westcoaster (I have the project posted there too) HTML / SCSS / CSS The query will return true if the content is formatted using the same CSS styles and elements used by the corresponding command. For YouTube and Vimeo players, Plyr uses progressive enhancement to enhance the default