He noted that shared governance isn’t merely about the relationship between the Senate … The Penn State student code of conduct includes a section entitled Violations of Academic Integrity. Employment Opportunities. Credits earned in postbaccalaureate certificate programs (up to a maximum of 15 credits) may be applied to graduate degree programs, but any decision to do so resides with the faculty in the respective programs. The Faculty Affairs Committee advises the Council and administration on matters of policy concerning faculty affairs, on matters regarding the cultural, social, and material welfare of the faculty, and on matters affecting the educational environment in which the faculty work. SENATE CURRICULUM REPORT. Faculty Proposal & Senate Approval. In a new story published in the Washington Post Wednesday, Black faculty members discussed discrimination, racism, and hardships they’ve encountered at Penn State over the years.. 44-25 Conflict Final Examinations. AD84, which was recommended by the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs, will remove gendered and binary terms from Penn State course and program descriptions. dispersed Penn State community. Faculty Senate Policy 56-30 (Withdrawal) Academic Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual J-1 (Withdrawal) Graduate Policies. The University Faculty Senate is the representative body of Penn State’s faculty with legislative authority on all matters pertaining to the educational interests of the University and all educational matters that concern the faculties of more than one college. Academic. Two of the faculty members shall be from academic voting units other than those at University Park. View policies Penn State’s faculty senate voted Tuesday to eliminate gendered words from course and program descriptions to promote and more welcoming and inclusive environment. UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State Faculty Senate ended the 2020-21 academic year by advancing several items at its April 27 meeting related to the Senate and the University’s ongoing commitment to enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion. UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Professor of English Michael Bérubé opened his final meeting as chair of the Penn State Faculty Senate on April 23 with a reflection on the importance of shared governance. In this essay, I describe my experience in Penn State’s University Faculty Senate, a 200-member body comprised of faculty across all twenty-four Penn State campuses, on and off the tenure track. Penn State Law Member (non-voting) Dara Purvis, Associate Dean for Research and Partnerships, Professor of Law; University Faculty Senate Council Liaison (voting) Kent Vrana, Elliot S. Vesell Professor and Chair of Pharmacology; University Registrar (non … In addition, the Senate is recognized by the University as an advisory and consultative body to the President on all matters that may affect the attainment of the University’s … Information Technology. Faculty and Staff. UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- The Penn State Faculty Senate has officially enacted policy to reflect the University’s implementation of an optional alternative grading … Senate deliberations may … Penn State’s Faculty Senate voted on April 27 to approve bill AD84 on Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy. The implementation of the "Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy" will require approval by the university Senate. PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Penn State is making sure the university becomes more inclusive. Penn State Syllabus Policies Faculty Senate Policy 43-00 (Syllabus) Penn State Faculty Senate Policy 43-00 requires that a written (paper or electronic form) syllabus must be distributed to students in each course on or before the first class meeting, and the syllabus must remain available to students electronically until the end of the semester. 44-20 Final Examination Policy. Administrative. It submits its actions for approval through the appropriate academic and administrative units to the appropriate committee of the University Faculty Senate, or to the University Senate. On program pages, this includes items under the following headings in the Bulletin: 1. 44-40 Proctoring of Examinations. AD18 Possession, Use and Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages. Faculty Senate petitions are for students who are deserving of amendments to their academic records via retroactive actions, such as retroactive withdrawals or late-drops, retroactive late-adds, or any other retroactive academic administrative actions. From benefits and human resources information to technology help and business services, you’ll find a collection of resources for working at the University below. The PSU Faculty Senate Committee On Curricular Affairs noted in its proposition AD84 Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy; The policies of Section 32-00 define the goals and purposes of the University’s academic advising program. The Pennsylvania State University’s faculty senate approved a new proposition that will remove "gendered" and "binary" language from the school’s program and course descriptions. The shared conviction, represented in the procedures that follow, is that academic integrity is best taught and reinforced by faculty as an element of the teaching and learning process. April 26, 2019. Instructors should follow Faculty Senate policy 42-27, Class Attendance, which identifies examples of legitimate, unavoidable reasons such as illness, injury, military service, family emergency, or religious observance. Academic level/quality is expected to be commensurate with that in traditional Penn State degree programs. Penn State will continue following Centers for Disease Control guidance that says masks are still needed in some locations, including in on-campus health care facilities and … Tutorial Page 4 Penn State Policy AD-69 and WCAG 2.0. Penn State University's Faculty Senate has approved a proposition to remove gendered language including "freshmen" and "upperclassmen" from course and program descriptions, the university told CNN. Penn State University is removing the terms freshman, sophomore, in an effort to rid course descriptions and materials of gendered terms. Policies and Rules for Undergraduate Students. Penn State Faculty Senate Policy 49-20 defines academic integrity as “the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner… [and] a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception.” Additional Resources. Pictured is … Faculty Senate endorses open access research policy at final meeting of semester. Any faculty member may appeal any action or decision taken under this policy to the University Faculty Senate Faculty Rights and Responsibility Committee. What I Learned in the Faculty Senate. View policies. When a faculty member believes that a student has engaged in behavior included in this code, they are both required to participate in the academic integrity process as outlined in the G-9 procedures designed by the Faculty Senate . University Holidays. Through active engagement with academic advising, students can identify and challenge their assumptions while developing thoughtful academic … View policies. Academic Integrity. At its last meeting of the school year April 28, the Faculty Senate updated its hiring policy, known as AC-13, for the first time since 1999. Explain that failure to follow the Academic Integrity at the University is intellectually dishonest and devalues the Penn State degree that everyone earns. Pictured is … Students should not send petitions or supporting materials directly to the Faculty Senate … Penn State’s Faculty Senate voted on April 27 to approve bill AD84 on Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy. The recommendations, which were given to the general Senate by the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs, were made to ensure all … The Faculty Senate, which has legislative authority on educational matters at the university, voted on April 27 to pass the changes in proposition ‘AD84 — Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy.’ The rationale for the proposition states that terms like ‘upperclassmen’ can be interpreted as “both sexist and classist.” Faculty Senate Policy 83-80 (Limitations on Source and Time for Credit Acquisition) Withdrawal. Penn State University is removing the terms freshman, sophomore, in an effort to rid course descriptions and materials of gendered terms. Penn State’s faculty senate passed a … After considerable debate at its first meeting of the semester, the Penn State Faculty Senate voted to implement an optional, opt-in alternative grading system for the spring 2021 semester. The University Faculty Senate may temporarily enable Senate Policy 49-70: Supplemental Satisfactory Grade/Passing Grade/No Grade Grading System - Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Candidates under a situation of special Senate concern. In this essay, I describe my experience in Penn State’s University Faculty Senate, a 200-member body comprised of faculty across all twenty-four Penn State campuses, on and off the tenure track. By Michael Bérubé. Penn State's Faculty Senate voted to approve a coronavirus vaccine mandate for students, faculty and staff prior to the fall semester return during its Wednesday afternoon special meeting. Budget. The full text can be found online at senate.psu.edu. Both Goals and Objectives should reflect the most current course description on record. 44-30 Non-Final Examinations. Penn State faculty approved a proposal that recommends changing several common college terms to their gender-neutral equivalent. The faculty senate’s resolution allowed for medical and religious exemptions. Each Penn State course should offer similar educational and knowledge domain experiences regardless of campus location and adhere to Senate Policy 42-10, referred to as the 80%/20% course content rule. Six faculty members and three deans will be elected as alternates for three-year terms. Faculty and staff interactions with students can be frequent and as such, the opportunity to encounter potential conduct concerns or questions is increased. A recent Penn State graduate, Ryley Lehaw, said while the decision is beneficial now, concern remains on whether the Faculty Senate plans to continue working to implement gender-inclusive policies. The Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (AAPPM) provides guidance on the implementation of Senate and University policies and procedures concerning undergraduate education at Penn State. Staff Advisory Council. The bill, which came out of the Committee on Curricular Affairs, was one of several equity and diversity resolutions to pass at the Senate's April 27 meeting, according to Penn State News. Admission to credit courses or degree candidacy at Penn State is governed by policies established by the University Faculty Senate. Procedures Manual, provides guidance on the implementation of Senate and University policies and procedures concerning undergraduate education at Penn State. The Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (AAPPM) provides guidance … Instructors must seek Faculty Senate approval before initiating the course development process. AD22 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) AD24 Identification Cards for Students, Faculty/Staff, Affiliates, and Retirees. Recognizing the importance of academic integrity to the Penn State community, the University Faculty Senate adopted a new Academic Integrity policy, Spring 2000. The faculty senate committee, in saying the changes will make Penn State "inclusive from the start," added that all students will feel more comfortable because they’ll be allowed to choose their name and gender identity. Penn State's faculty senate approved a recommendation in its April 27 meeting to take the words "freshman," "sophomore," "junior" and "senior" out of course catalogue descriptions. It’s just an idea, but so are the Senate’s proposals. Instructors are encouraged to accommodate student absences with flexibility during this pandemic period, recognizing that many circumstances are beyond the control of individual students. Academic Progress is described in Faculty Senate Policy 54-00.. To graduate from Penn State University, a degree candidate must complete the requirements for the candidate’s major and earn at least a C (2.00) cumulative grade point average for all courses taken at Penn State (Faculty Senate Policy 82-40).. Good Academic Standing Financial. The 79-62 vote reinstates Senate Policy 49-70, which established the alternative grading system previously implemented during the spring and fall 2020 semesters to provide flexibility to … Content continues below. AD21 Use of the Agricultural Arena and Agricultural Progress Days Facilities. In the case of illness, students are not required to secure the signature of medical personnel. Policy UL-AD30 Open Access Policy Status: Superseded Effective January 1, 2020, the text of this policy has been superseded by University Policy AC02: Open Access to Scholarly Articles. Date Superseded: January 1, 2020 Effective Date: February 11, 2015 Date Approved: February 11, 2015 (Library Faculty Organization) Revision History (and effective dates): Superseded 1/1/2020 But the school has not yet said whether it will adopt the resolution campus-wide. Pennsylvania State University’s faculty senate passed a resolution on “inclusive language” that will rid the university of alleged paternalistic labels such as “freshmen,” “junior,” “senior,” “upperclassmen,” and “underclassmen.” Penn State Faculty Senate passes resolution for more COVID-19 tests, University Park cases top 3,100 There are 60 University Park students in quarantine and 136 in isolation. www.collegian.psu.edu. ACUE Policies and Procedures: review the Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (AAPPM) to learn how Senate and University policies and procedures concerning undergraduate education are implemented at Penn State Faculty Senate Guide to Curricular Procedures: view instructions on how curricular changes to courses and programs are managed On April 23, 2019, the Penn State Faculty Senate voted to endorse the Open Access Policy Recommendations from the University’s Open Access Task Force and the Senate Committee on Libraries, Information Systems, and Technology. These policies and rules are meant to be a … (State College, PA) -- Penn State University is moving away from using male-centric academic grouping titles like freshmen. May 05, 2021. Academic advising plays a central role in enhancing student success at Penn State and is integral to the teaching and learning mission of the University. Overview of Academic Progress. Be sure to check with your college or campus regarding locally mandated syllabus policies. 44-45 Examinations for Failure Elimination. Academic integrity is as critically important abroad as it is on campus at Penn State. If you have a disability-related need for reasonable academic adjustments in this course, contact the Office for Disability Services (ODS) at 814-863-1807 (V/TTY). The changes were suggested in a Penn State Faculty Senate proposition, AD84 Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy, which passed on … The changes were suggested in a Penn State University Faculty Senate proposition, AD84 Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy, which passed on April 27, a university spokesperson told the student newspaper The Daily Collegian. View policies. At Penn State Mont Alto, students begin the petition process by talking to Jeff Gable, Campus Registrar, in the Records Office in Conklin. Penn State's Faculty Senate voted on April 27 to approve bill AD84 on Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy. Lehaw, who graduate in 2021 with a master’s degree in management, said he hopes to see work toward providing more gender-inclusive policies, especially for transgender students. Penn State’s faculty senate voted Tuesday to eliminate gendered words from course and program descriptions to promote and more welcoming and inclusive environment.