External link. the 84,291 citations found in a PubMed search using the key words “case report” and “surgical.” Writing a case report is also particularly useful to residents since it helps prepare them for board or other examinations that include questions based on specific case examples (Gottschlich, 2000). 2021 2021 A Our case reports may be used for education and the improvement of clinical practice. Hepatoid carcinoma (HC) is an extra-hepatic neoplasm that shares the morphological and immunohistochemical features of hepatocellular carcinoma. There are now 12 journals in the portfolio focusing on research, reviews, case reports, protocols and a number of other resources like the Research Registry. Case reports should include an up-to-date review of all previous cases in the field. 2013;7(1):1–9. We report the case of a 70-year-old woman presenting an epigastric swelling. Aim—case report. This case is the first to have been described requiring semiurgent hernia repair associated with partial liver resection. Albrecht J, Meves A, Bigby M. Case reports and case series from Lancet had significant impact on medical literature. Because of the rarity of pure pancreatic HC, its clinical features including incidence, behavior, … Journal of Pediatric Surgery Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, a companion title to the respected Journal of Pediatric Surgery, is an open access publication dedicated to publishing case reports. Authors - World Journal of Medical and Surgical Case Reports Case reports must be original and shown to be both clinically and educationally interesting to an international audience. Archives of Clinical and Medical case reports covers the major topics like case reports in Internal Medicine, Hepatology, Microbiology, Toxicology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Physical Medicine, Surgical Oncology, Family Medicine, Cancer case reports, Pulmonology and other surgery reports. Case reports should show one of the following: Unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medications. Read more. Since their publication, SCARE guidelines have been widely endorsed by authors, journal editors, and reviewers, and have helped to improve reporting transparency of case reports across a range of surgical specialties. 1 to 7; 2015 to 2021; 2020 to 2021: v.6 2020 Dec: v.7 2021 Dec: 2015 to 2019: v.1 2015 Dec: v.2 2016 Dec: v.3 2017 Dec: v.4 2018 Dec: v.5 2019 Dec: Articles from Surgical Case Reports are provided here courtesy of Springer-Verlag. The journal publishes in all surgical specialties of interest to surgeons, physicians and researchers. Analysis of speech and swallowing and quality of life in patients undergoing subtotal glossectomy with free flap reconstruction followed by radiotherapy. 2006 Dec;12(6):428-31. About the Journal Journal of Surgical Case Reports (JSCR) is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that will consider any original surgical techniques, case reports, or case series that expand the field of surgery. IJS Publishing Group (IJSPG) is a scientific publishing house established in 2003 with the launch of the International Journal of Surgery (IJS). The journal is published in 12 issues every year. About this journal. Surg Case Rep; Surgical Case Reports Vols. Journal of Surgical Case Reports Vols. Aneurysms are localized swellings of the arterial wall in some parts of the body and are classified into true and false types. Radiological findings showed a liver herniation in a primary ventral hernia. The purpose of the journal is to contribute to the progress of surgery by providing clinicians and researchers with an educational forum in which to disseminate their personal experience and novel treatments to a wide readership BMJ Case Reports makes it easy to submit cases by providing templates for full cases, "Images in" cases and global health cases. Case reports and images in surgery Journal is of great interest to an international audience of surgeons, trainees and researchers in all surgical subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. ACS Case Reviews in Surgery is a unique, peer-reviewed, open access, online-only case report journal published six times a year that presents high-quality, in-depth analyses of actual surgical cases.The journal boasts an exceptional editorial and reviewer board comprised of distinguished surgeon leaders from around the world. Annual Journal Metrics. Surgical Case Reports is affiliated with Japan Surgical Society. It is dedicated to publishing case reports and case series. Articles must be authentic, ethical, educational and clinically interesting to an international audience of surgeons, trainees and researchers in all surgical subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. All case reports and case series submitted need to comply with the relevant reporting criteria. Speed 29 days to first decision for reviewed manuscripts only 28 days to first decision for all manuscripts 75 days from submission to acceptance 15 days from acceptance to publication Usage Angelos Mantelakis, Konstantinos Vachtsevanos, Harry V. M. Spiers, Christina Gavriilidou & … The journal publishes in all surgical specialties of interest to surgeons, physicians and researchers. Annals of Surgical Case Reports aspires to publish journals that are exciting to read, educate, and keep the audience updated on cutting edge research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, surgery, oncology and oral health. To mark this anniversary, we have collated a collection of ten Case Reports of the Year. Surgical Case Reports is open access, peer-reviewed journal, covers the scope of general surgeries like vascular, brain, abdominal, heart, … Support Center Support Center. American Journal of Surgical Case Reports is an Open Access journal and we do not charge the end user when accessing a manuscript or any article. JPS Case Reports will provide the most current source of information and references in pediatric surgery. Delayed hemopericardium with constrictive pericarditis after blunt trauma: a report of a surgical case Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Title page. 2005;58(12):1227–32. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. It is a very high quality, international, peer reviewed, open access journal publishing case reports in all medical and surgical specialities. These templates can be accessed, along with additional guidelines for writing, on the Instructions for Authors page. : "A versus B in the treatment of C: a randomized controlled trial", "X is a risk factor for Y: a case control study", "What is the impact of factor X on subject Y: A systematic review, A case report etc." Case Presentation. The modules below offer opportunities to test your developing clinical skills. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports is an open access, broad scope journal covering all surgical specialties. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR) is the companion journal to the highly-regarded International Journal of Surgery. Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), from 2016; PubMed and PubMed Central (Int Med Case Rep J); Embase, from 2010 (Correct as at December 8, 2016) Scopus, from 2010 (Correct as at December 8, 2016) Aims and Scope. The journal acts as framework for invaluable first-hand source of evidence in medical sciences and a tool most often used in practice to exchange information and generate a more expanded search for evidence through … This report describes the surgical management of a giant inguinoscrotal hernia, which extended below the patient's knees, causing considerable physical discomfort and impairment of his quality of life. This open access, peer-reviewed, online journal will consider any original case reports in the fields of gastroenterological surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, breast and endocrine surgery, pediatric surgery, transplant surgery, and emergency surgery. 2010 to 2021; 2010 to 2021; Vol. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports is an open access journal, dedicated to publishing case reports. JPS Case Reports will provide the most current source of information and references in pediatric surgery. The Journal is based on the need to improve surgical care of infants and children, not... A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. They provide a structure for reporting surgical case reports and are used and endorsed by authors, journal editors and reviewers, in order to increase robustness and transparency in reporting surgical cases. Introduction: The SCARE Guidelines were first published in 2016 and were last updated in 2018. PubMed® comprises more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Journal of Surgical Case Reports (JSCR) began publishing as an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal in March 2010. Surgical Case Reportswelcomes well-described reports of cases, which include the following: ✓ New associations or variations in disease processes. International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI), started in 2010, is the flagship journal of Edorium Journals. The act of recording, discussing with colleagues, and publishing clinical observations as case reports remains essential to the art of medicine and patient care [ 1 ]. Case reports and images in surgery is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal which considers manuscripts in all areas of surgery. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports is an open access, broad scope journal covering all surgical specialities. J Clin Epidemiol. Pancreatic HC exists as either pure or combined type. We present a case of a severe non-healing surgical wound in a 78-year-old male 17 days post right total knee arthroplasty. AUTHOR INQUIRIES International Journal of Surgery Case Reports is an online general surgical journal dedicating to publishing case reports and case series only which must be authentic, understandable, educational and clinically interesting to an international audience of surgeons and … Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of … Surgical Case Reports is an official journal of the Japan Surgical Society. BMJ Case Reports is a repository of evidence regarding health and its social determinants. Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. Ranked by PubMed Central, this open access journal serves as a forum for case reports in plastic surgery, hand surgery and related research. The journal has a fast submission-to-publication process and works quickly to bring new trends and observations to the scientific community. The Journal of Clinical Case Report is an academic journal – hosted by OMICS International – a pioneer in open access publishing–and is listed among the top 10 journals in Case Report. Conclusion. Rison RA. JSCR deposits all case reports in PubMed Central (PMC). Case reports offer unique value to the body of medical knowledge by describing new diseases, disease mechanisms, therapeutic approaches, and adverse or beneficial effects of drugs. Archives of Surgery and clinical Case Reports is an open access,cross disciplinary, peer reviewed, journal aimed to publish any original case report that expands the field of surgery. The full-thickness wound exhibited a mobile flap, measured 4 cm long × 3 cm wide, and showed undermining down to patellar tissue.